Monday, May 21, 2012

Been too long....

It's been nearly one year since I've posted an update... and for a while, there was good reason.  There was nothing new to update.  But Spring Fever has hit and friend availability (and a good sale at Lowes) has inspired me to get out there and FINALLY get the front yard going.  YIPPEEE!

First off, remember this?  These were my front yard BEFORE pics....

Oh... and embarassingly, some After pics too...

Well, the yard never got any better, the stairs remained overgrown with awful looking grass and the plants never seemed to thrive.  I think my water sprinkler wasn't working for a few months and everything became a fire hazard....   I tried just digging out the grass, but it's tough and just doesn't want to give up trying to take over the world.

BUT recently, I did lots of sewing for a good friend who is also a handyman by trade.  And Lowe's had wall blocks and pavers on sale at a  price I couldn't resist...  Now, handyguy has all the tools we need and is perfectly willing to trade services for some hours of work. So DH and I picked up the materials, and handyguy and I got to work.

Less than a week later,  VOILA!  The foundation is set.  Oh, we also laid black plastic down after this picture was taken and added a few more sprinkler heads to keep the plants from drying out again.  I can't believe it's finally happening!   I know it's not very impressive yet, naked as it is... but just you wait, it'll be great!

Now I'm waiting for word on my load of compost.... (free from another friend), which is due to arrive sometime this week.    Then the planting can begin!  Boy... I'm so happy I might burst!  :)

So far, I've spent about $120.00 for materials.  And I don't expect to spend much more until planting time. Sand is free from the beach, gravel I got from my mom (she's been wanting someone to take it away), and sprinkler materials from a box of stuff I found in the garage.  Apparently, DH and his friends thought they didn't need to use them when they installed the sprinklers the first time.  I'm hoping I can find a few beautiful plants that will thrive in this hot spot.  But now that they'll get water regularly, I think everything will be OK.